Complete Chapter 13 Problem Session
- Chapter 13 Exercise 14 (on p. 534)
One more example of fitting two regression lines with R
- See kids198.R - growth of children
Our first project presentation for models/relationships/predition
- Discussion of presentation verus paper (with peer review)
- Use linear regression models and multiple regression models to identify the best model for predicting an appropriate response variable for a sports question of interest to you and your partner(s). Your presentation must compare and constrast at least two models and provide appropriate confidence and prediction intervals.
- Feedback for presenters. Obviously we will not be able to do anonymous feedback on 3"x5" cards. Thus, I am asking to you email your feedback to the presenters and cc me. I will grade the presentations the same way that I did the last time, but now you will get peer reviews from everyone in the class.
- Please provide positive comments and constructive criticism/suggestions in your email response.
We will continue with Chapter 13 examples and more presentations on Friday